Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fear Tactics 101 (or is that 911...?)

Focus on the Family recently put out a letter from an imaginary Christian in the year 2012, describing what they claim could happen if Obama wins the presidential election. The letter expresses (and fosters) fears about "the protection of human life" (abortion), sexual morality, and the protection of freedom--of religion, speech, and parenting choices. Although the introduction to the letter proclaims that Christians may differ on political issues and that they should respect each other's opinions, the content of the letter is undeniably an attempt to undermine Obama's candidacy. Find the letter here, in pdf format:


In a similar vein, a video recently appeared on youtube.com predicting a similarly fearful outcome of an Obama presidency. The video makes claims even more ridiculous than the above-mentioned letter, but is also powerful because it uses image and sound to drive home its claims. Watch the video here:


This strategy implemented by McCain-Palin supporters of resorting to fear tactics seems desperate, but will it be effective? According to recent polls, blogs, and news interviews, many moderate and Republican voters are tired of fear tactics and want to hear specific policy plans from presidential candidates, and thus many are leaning toward Obama. However, it remains to be seen if the fears stoked by the campaign and its supporters will control the day-of, voting-booth decisions of these voters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I have spent my last 20 minutes of my lunch reading the letter from a "christian in 2012". Quite interesting i must say, and all i can think of, is V for Vendetta, which would be the opposite of what this christian is saying.In V we find ourselves in a world ruled by the far right, in which all our liberties are taken. So, in the end, the point should be to find a nice middle ground in which everyone could accept their differences and RESPECT them, without judgement or self righteousness... Perhaps the one who wrote that can now realize what the far right has been doing to those who are on the opposite side, and how they feel at this very moment in which their rights are being taken away, as it is the case of "same-sex" marriage. Is it fair that homosexuals have to suffer the way they are just because the far right has a different understanding of what the bible says. As far as i'm concerned, we are ALL children of God, and none of us has the right to take away from no one else...I'm sorry just writing off all frustrations...but I'm just happy that Barack Obama has won, by a LARGE MARGIN, over McCain.