Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This is my first attempt as a blogger. My days of being simply a passive reader are through. However, this blog has a purpose other than to contain and broadcast my general musings. It is part of a tutorial I'm taking this semester on the subject of Politics and Religion. The tutorial, called "Is God on Our Side?", delves into the intersections between religious groups and political parties, groups, and candidates, between the rhetoric of politics and the rhetoric of religion, between the electorate's political choices and their religious beliefs. I will be writing here about a combination of things, including current news in the realm of U.S. politics and religion, the response of the blogging world to such news, and the readings my professor has assigned to me about the history of religion and politics in the U.S. I welcome any and all responses to my posts!


Unknown said...

you are a radical, tree hugging hippie. If you lived in a tree, I would cut it down.

Love you.


treehugger said...

You know you wouldn't cut down my tree. You helped make me this way.